Category Archives: Uncategorized

How To Identify The Training Needs Of Your Employees

Identifying the online training needs of your employees is key to making your eLearning program a success. It may sound obvious, but targeted, responsive management of your LMS offering really makes all the difference. So what should you be looking at in order to discover what your staff need for fruitful eLearning experiences? Let’s look…

The Do’s And Don’ts: Online Training For Employees

Online training for employees is one of the most effective ways to deliver essential skills to your workforce. With a great Learning Management System, it’s a relatively simple exercise to create courses and disseminate them company-wide, but that alone doesn’t mean things are guaranteed to run smoothly. To help you out, we’ve compiled a handy…

innform lms

Why Startups should invest in an LMS for their new company

LMS implementation for your startup is one of the smartest ways to place your new company ahead of the competition right from the very beginning. There’s a whole raft of advantages to adopting the correct Learning Management System for you; from cost-effective, targeted training for your team, to providing organised and accessible data storage as…

innform customisation

Customising Your LMS: How To Make Your LMS Feel More Like Home

Customising your Learning Management System gets the most out of your eLearning platform and boosts learner engagement. Ideally, when choosing your LMS, you want to plump for flexible software that can bring your training objectives to life. Branding that delivers a coherent set of values and a vision is marketing 101, and it’s the same…

Innform wins six badge honours from the prestigious 2021 G2 Awards

If you’re curious about the advantages of eLearning for your company, then this blog post is for you! You might be aware of the huge uptake of online learning software within the business sector – particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, several trends are emerging in the field, offering genuine value to millions of folks…

innform LMS learners

Addressing The LMS Needs of Your Learner

We’ve covered plenty of topics on our blog related to Learning Management Systems and eLearning. However, today, we’d like to zoom in precisely on your LMS end-user: the online learner and what they might need to follow their courses successfully.  Addressing your learner’s needs is a crucial element in an effective online training strategy, and…